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To successfully place an order on this site, orders must be placed at least 2 full days (48 hrs) in advance. Click here to see our delivery zone. If you are not in our delivery zone, customers should call Hugo or Larry to discuss special pick-up/delivery options and fees between 6:15am and 3pm 7 days a week.
Please call 212-242-2645 to confirm your finalized catering order has been received.
Ordering on a desktop/laptop computer? Please use Google Chrome
CONFIRM YOUR ONLINE ORDER, please call 212-242-2645 or 212-242-2304 & Ask for Larry or Hugo 7 Days 6am-4pm
Special thanks to Chelsea News for their article on L&M Deli's 50th Anniversary.
•Chelsea Catering
•West Village Catering
•Meatpacking Catering
Established 1971
Click here
to place your individual order for local delivery.
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